Sunday, January 23, 2005

Listening to steven curtis chapman

"We are not home yet..keep on looking ahead" is playing in my stereo. Reminds me pursue the things not currently seen and keep going. :)

Found an interesting blog statement...
Thanks for the blog. great keeps me inspired..I hope you don't mind

A New Beginning
Before there can be a new beginning, there has to be an ending. That's a hard reality at times. Letting go is not easy, especially if we are letting go of something that feels essential to our life.

When Jesus said that 'It is finished', was it a cry of triumph? Or was it an exhausted sigh of relief? Or was it a moment of darkness, feeling all was lost? Perhaps we tend to read it as a cry of triumph because we know this ending led to a wonderful new beginning. Maybe Jesus was in touch with that too, but I hold open the possibility that in His real humanity He might have felt the anguish of an ending much as we do.

We don't know what Jesus felt at that moment. But we do know that through all the devastating events that led to the end of His earthly life, Jesus maintained a bedrock trust in God. Through the eyes of thouse watching this was the worst possible ending anyone could endure. By God's grace and power it was about to become a far better beginning than anyone could imagine.

"Lord, help me to trust that each of my endings leads to a beginnning filled with Your grace and power. Amen."

- John 19:17-37 -


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