Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Okay..let's talk about my "favorite" topic, gerontology. At one point in anybody's life, we are going to look at our changed faces, body and the years spent in occupation, family, education etc., and say "my gosh, I've grown so old" I really believe that although physical appearance changes, the person (the spirit) inside the body doesn't. Today, i saw some man yelling at an elderly lady across the street. It was a horrible sight to see this women being badgered. She was wiping the tears off her face as the man mocked and even imitated her. After he went off in a rampage, she finished wiping and continued on with her walk, obviously trying to forget what just happened.
Inside the bus, i saw two bleached and permed hair old ladies standing nearby the door, holding onto the bus poles and hanging on to dear life as the bus stopped or jolted. Adjacent to them were the 3 side seats reserved for seniors and the handicapped but were taken by teenagers!!! What is going on here?!


Blogger Gina E. said...

Hi Naeng-myun, me again. I found your blog a few steps away from mine(by clicking on "Next Blog" at the top right of my screen). This post really touched a chord with me, as I also work in the aged care field, as well as volunteer visiting with the aged. My husband is a bus driver and he gets so wild with teenagers who refuse to give up their seats for seniors. It's not any consolation I know, but it isn't just a New York/USA thing, believe me! It is the same here in Oz.
Please check out my blog and leave a comment!
Gina in Melbourne, Australia

9:12 AM  

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