Monday, May 23, 2005

" I'll do it My way"

Everyday I get a email on God's message, and today it's about patience, a timely fit to yesterdays concidential telephone call from a friend.
We have all experienced it. We have all wanted it and felt it- The feeling and wanting the life of success according to your way and standards, whether in a job, getting a nice apartment, money, successful friends and influences around you...etc.
But life of course is not that easy. And God never intended for it to be that way. Living a life of self reliance is what God doesn't want.. and he purposely made it so in order that we may be disciplined and acknowledge him. God wants us to Trust in Him, and not in ourselves and past life experience. It took a long time for me to trust in God fully with my future. I was so self reliant by using every will and strength to guide it. But with time, I became so worn out , emotionally drained. What added to the weariness were family burden, and finanical burden. I then realized that human will is not enough.
We are mere humans, fearful, emotional and unstable and unfit to carry the burdens we are never intended to bear on our own. All we have to do it place those worries, frustrations,hurt disappointment, anger ,etc, obey God, bow and understand God and have great patience that he will provide, whatever the circumstances and duration.
And during the lowest point in life, it is really God, not us- not by our own will and human strength- but by God who he helps through any circumstances. Remember the poem "Footprints". The man in the poem saw two set of footprints in the sand. One set was from the man, the other was God;s. But during the man's struggles, he noticed only one set. In loneliness he asked God, why did you leave me? God replied I am always with you. The one set of footprints are mine. It was the harshest of times that I carried you. Sometimes we don't give credit to God. We believe that it is through our own human will that gets us through. But in reality it is cleary the opposite. God wants us to help us and wants us to trust in him with everything. When I placed that burden of self reliance and worry on him, I instantly felt soo relieved. I was probably able to in the first of my life to fully destress. The feeling of hopelessness, disappointments softened and ..well with God's help, I realized that he can turn it for the better, and anger and resentment.. i know that with tough situations there will be a sunny and brighter future ahead. With trust in God, and not on your own merit, all seems better.

This week's promise: Waiting for God's timing brings great rewards
How can I grow in patience?
"So Moses went back to the Lord and protested, 'Why have you mistreated your own people like this, Lord?' Why did you send me? Since I gave Pharaoh your message, he has been even more brutal to your people. You have not even begun to rescue them!"
Exodus 5:22-23 NLT
Reflecting on Today's PassageImpatience usually has its roots in our personal agenda. We have plans. Delays and obstacles, while common, are not seen as something we should have to cope with, but can put us into an emotional tailspin, unable to rebound and move forward. We are running late, so every red light seems longer, every slow driver even slower than had we planned better and left early enough to anticipate delays. We are in a hurry, so we become irritable, impatient, perhaps brushing by someone who needs a word of encouragement. We want something and we want it now. The idea of taking a long time to achieve a desired status or level of living, common among previous generations, may even be considered failure by some today. Having to wait frustrates us. Moses had reluctantly accepted the assignment to deliver God's message to the pharaoh: "Let my people go!" From his reaction to Pharaoh's rebuff, we can assume that Moses had expected a more cooperative response. His impatient outburst directed at God reflects our tendency to obey only so long as things go the way we expect. The beginning of patience is surrendering our agenda to God's will and committing ourselves to obedience over the long haul.


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