Thursday, May 19, 2005

the visit to the vet

Just arrived from the vet without my sweetie. It seems that he may have refractured his right hind leg. So I left him overnight in order that the staff may x ray and cofirm his diagnosis. Poor sweetie. I made an appointment with a covering vet who kept screwing up with my dog's gender and even the location of the fracture. He started off shaving my dog's right front paw as I watched in curiousity. I just had to ask him, why are you shaving there? Then he recontinued to shave this time the correct leg,and metioned that my dog "she" will be okay. I corrected the vet for the 4th time. My dog is a he. Haven't you noticed as you were shaving the bottom portion of his body- his jewels? Anway, it was okay. I just thank God it was just a shave. Oh and he didn't wear gloves to draw out blood. I was quite furious. The vet's nails were dirty. I'm thinking of saying something the next day when I pick my sweetie up. Aren't there rulesof standard precautions for animals too?


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