Sunday, June 26, 2005

My experience at Billy Graham crusade

Yep, I finally went to the crusade that everyone was talking about, and why not. The event held just across from my residence, and was a history in the making. I wish I had a digital camera to capture the moment, but unfortunately I don't have one. So I'll try my best through words.
It was a huge and HOT HOT event. People from all over new york came. Some I assume were tourists who attended just for the crusade. It was quite an amazing sight to see hispanics, whites, asian, blacks, etc singing and coexisting in the same place, and listening/waiting for Billy Graham to speak. I thought to myself is this what heaven would be like... To sit next to a neighbor who loves God, and who had stuggled with the christian life as much as I did? It was humble feeling and a lesson on not to judge a person by first physical apperance.
There were of course the counselors who are present incase someone decides to accept christ or is in of a prayer. I tried not to get swept away from high spirtuality- the singing with hands in the air and the halleluah cries. I didn't want that emotion to ignite the feeling of the present only to disapper once the music is gone. I wanted to hear the lyrics and the meaning. I closed my eyes and let the words sink in. Sometimes, I teared because I miss God being in my life.
When Billy Graham approached the podium everyone stood up. This was the moment where every attendent was waiting 2 1/2 hours for. His sermon was simple, short and humorous. In the end, it was his kindness and humility that shown through. He told alot of stories that we can all remember and reflect on after the crusade. I can never forget what he said about changing yourself just by accepting christ, can you imagine being a better husband, a wife, a worker just because of your faith and acceptance of christ. What a power this christ has. And i've seen it in ppl's lives at first hand. So truly, this God is a power god. I watched a lot of ppl pass by. Some look like a gangsta with bandanas on, but were either christians or wanted to hear God's word. I saw south baptists who had such passion in singing loud to the Lord as much as I would have like to. I saw indians, and hispanics who probably lived around my neighborhood singing too. How I have misjudged them and the guilt I felt. All in all, it was a short but an unforgettable event. Helicopters and airplanes were flying by. Truly it was a history in the making because ppl have the curiousity and the yearing to know God more.


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