Saturday, September 17, 2005

things I've learned

When I opened Elle magazine for fashion inspiration I was pleasantly surprised to see advice on everyday life rather than on clothes or beauty tips of the month. Some advice..I have heard of and others reminded me of the failures and lessons I've learned in my past. So here they are:

1) Enjoy your skinny years.
I've always been self conscious about my arms and legs. In fact I've avoided wearing shorts, skirts and sleeveless shirts until the age of 26. I was interning for my mental health clinicals, experiencing at first hand what my patients go through everyday: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, age related illness, etc. Then I realized I'm getting older and fatter...I must enjoy my life, and accept the negtives and the positves. You only have one life. As I was teaching my patients to function with their illness, I learned to accept and embrace my life and body. For the first time in 26 years, I wore a beautiful skirt to my clinical site and felt good about it.
2) Quit comparing yourself!
I constantly do it....even to this day, but there was one breaking point where I realized this life is about you, and only you. Everyone has their own journey, and different path. Don't compare yourself to the next person, because you have your own road to go to. Everybody has the same destination, but different pathways: some long and some quite short. But in the end, we all get there.
3) Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday- ellen degeneres
4) Trust your instincts and don;t be afraid to ask the experts for advice- chrstine todd whitman
5) In world affairs, appeasers are very likely to get stabbed by their own umbrellas.
6) You need to stand in what you believe and what you stand for.
7) if it doesn't kill you , it will make you stronger.
8) and everyone's favorite- things happen for a reason. Yes, when the storm passes, you'll come to realize that it happened for a reason- for a higher purpose. order that you become God minded. Sometimes, it is not what you do in life, but how you live it.


Blogger Andy Rodie said...

Excellent post Naeng-Myun, keep on blogging.I enjoy the variety of topics you hit upon.



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