Suh and Yoo
There are a lot of unraveling to do within our family. There exist lots of unfortunate events but also happy and memorable stories to share. It made me think of how blessed I am to have a wonderful extended family.
Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do. Accept the past as past without denying it or discarding it. Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others. Don't assume that it's too late to get involved. - Tuesdays with Morrie You can't control the length of life, just the depth.
ah..i can feel the warm breeze, and my skin soaking the inviting sun rays...i suddenly cough, become oriented and realize i'm in the brisk and windly park, walking my dog for his morning ritual.' so cold here that my red hands throb as i enter my warm apartment. ever heard of regional stereotypes. ie. people from Cali go to the beach, are superficial; NYers are paranoid, and wear all black. I tested this stereotype and although it doesn't appy to everyone, it rings some truth. NYers see Cali like Englishmen view Americans. I wonder how Boston sees NYers?